Nonprofit Board Governance
Serving the Santa Barbara Community
Good governance requires the board to balance its role as an oversight body with its role as a force supporting the organization. While boards must exercise their fiduciary duties with care, good governance is about more than checklists. Good governance is about providing critical capital—intellect, reputation, resources, and access—to power nonprofit success and thereby strengthen communities. Contact Nonprofit Kinect today for a free consultation on how your organization can ensure its board engages in solid governance practices.
Stewards of Fiduciary Oversight
Responsible governance calls for boards to be competent stewards focusing on fiduciary oversight, making sure their organizations comply with the law, acting with financial integrity, and operating effectively and ethically. However, many boards want to rise to a more advanced level—a level described as exceptional. Exceptional boards add active engagement and independent decision making to the oversight function. Their members are open and honest with each other and the chief executive. They passionately challenge and support efforts in pursuit of the mission. The difference between responsible and exceptional boards lies in thoughtfulness and intentionality, action and engagement, knowledge and communication.
Strong boards and strong chief executives make for good governance. Sharing a passion for serving their communities and constituents, they forge a dynamic relationship that leads to a higher level of performance. Exceptional boards, energized by a deep commitment to the work of their organizations, constantly search for solutions and see to add value. Individual board members do substantive work that draws on their unique talents. Chief executives lead the organization adeptly, managing resources on a daily basis and regularly tapping into board talent.
The professionals at NonprofitKinect will work with you to help your board move from being responsible to being exceptional. As a result, you will rest assured that your board and your organization are operating well within the law and at optimum effectiveness.